The Stone Trust: Up and Running

While wallers in east-central USA have had the excellent Dry Stone Conservancy as a beacon for the craft for many years, stone workers in the northeast have had to go it on their own. Until now. After only one year in existence, The Stone Trust has become an important regional resource for all things dry stone.
The Vermont sanctioned, not-for-profit, organization has already established an indoor centre for training and testing. It has hosted an instructor’s course with the result that there are eleven new DSWA (Dry Stone Walling Association of Great Britain) certificated instructors in the US and Canada. This past year, outdoor workshops offered one and two-day courses to a total of 39 participants who rebuilt 60 metres of historic fence. And the test days saw 15 candidates trying for Level 1, 2, and 3 certificates. Workshops in 2011 were instructed by Jared Flynn, Andrew Pighills, Dave Goulder and Dan Snow. Examiners included Michael Weitzner, Dave and Dan.
Along with the activities at the centre, outreach included the creation of web and social media sites, DSWA books and videos being placed in public libraries, and presentations offered to touring groups. The Stone Trust even became a corporate member of the DSWA!
The Stone Trust’s mission is to promote and advance the art and craft of dry stone walling. By all indications it is well on its way to doing just that. As a director on the board of The Stone Trust, I want to welcome all wallers, dykers and dry stone enthusiasts to the centre. Please join us in making The Stone Trust’s second year even more lively than the first.
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