Stay tuned for a “Hidden in the Hills” event with the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center.
Chase’s Mill Screening of the documentary Stone Rising: The Work of Dan Snow, by filmmaker Camilla Rockwell. Chase's Mill, Alstead, NH, June 2024.
Mission Farm - Stone Soup & Conversation, Killington, VT, March 2023.
Hidden in the Hills: The Stone Trust. A tour of notable stone walls and other dry stone structures in Dummerston and Brattleboro, as part of the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center “Hidden in the Hills” series. June 5, 2022.
ABC Stone Rolling Stone Excursion, talk/tour at Borderline Farm, gardens and stonework, with Robin Key/RKLA, VT.
Medieval Vermont: Creating an Ancient Property, with Rick Richter, Susan Richter, and Dan Snow, Springfield, VT, Woodland Farms, July, 2021. Garden Conservancy, Digging Deeper event.
Growing Greener Podcast. Dan Snow: Imagining in Stone, with Tom Christopher, January 2021.
POSTPONED The Garden Conservancy: Digging Deeper, Medieval Vermont: Creating an Ancient Property with Rick Richter, Susan Richter, and Dan Snow.
Woodland Farms, Springfield, VT. July, 2020.POSTPONED The Stone Trust 10th Anniversary Celebration. A Conversation with Dan Snow + Whitney Brown. May 2020. Latchis Theatre, Brattleboro, VT. For details visit The Stone Trust.
POSTPONED Presentation TBA, Stonework Symposium, Santa Fe NM. For details and more information, please visit the Stone Foundation website.
New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) Lecture: A Gathering of Stones, January 21, 2020, New York Botanical Garden, NY.
NATURE REVISITED Podcast. Dan Snow: In the Company of Stone, January 2020.
Exhibition: In Their Element: Jonathan Ebinger, Rodrigo Nava, Dan Snow. May 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne VT.
An outdoor installation featuring the evocative work of three contemporary artists on view across the museum’s expansive campus. These captivating sculptures complement and amplify one another through their shared engagement with fire, wind, and earth; subjects of fascination since antiquity. Exploring themes ranging from the anatomy of wildlife to the buoyancy of inflated steel forms, and the relationship between site-specific stone structures within the natural environment, Ebinger, Nava, and Snow push the boundaries of their respective materials and processes, revealing new experimentation with these classical elements.
Exhibition: In Their Element: Jonathan Ebinger, Rodrigo Nava, Dan Snow. Lecture and Conversation at the Fantasy Topography installation, September 6th, Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT.
Dummerston Historical Society. A talk on the history of the town pound and the making of the dry stone pound at the Schoolhouse. July 2019, The Dummerston Historical Society, Dummerston, VT.
Artscaping in Dry Stone, Northern Green, January 2019, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN.
Summer Authors at the Aldrich Series, reading, July 2018, Aldrich Public Library, Barre, VT.
Springfield (VT) Library & Garden Club Lecture, Dry Stone Art in Nature. April 11, 2018, Springfield Town Library, Springfield, VT.
Film Screening: Stone Rising: The Work of Dan Snow. Directed by Camilla Rockwell, 2005, USA, 57 Minutes PREVIEW. Q&A with director Camilla Rockwell. Wednesday, February 21, 2018. Sponsored by The Architecture & Design Film Series and Burlington City Arts. Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall, Burlington, VT.
New Hampshire Landscape Association: From Practical to Fantastical, November 14, 2017, 5 -8 pm, Manchester, NH.
Korpo Library Artist Talk: Something from Nothing: Making Art With Available Resources, Tuesday 26 Sept 2017, Korpo bibliotek Verkanvägen 1 21710 Korpo / Korppoon, Finland.
The Cultural Landscape Foundation Garden Dialogues 2017: Vermont Dialogue with Robin Key of RKLA Studio in conversation with Dan Snow, Jul 15, 2017, South Londonderry, VT.
Woodstock Garden Club Annual Fall Lecture, Woodstock, VT.
Reflecting on the Woodland Fences at Stone Hill. Essay & voice recording for exhibit Sensing Place: Reflecting on Stone Hill. The Clark, 225 South Street, Williamstown, MA.
Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons, Dry Stone Art in the Landscape, Bridgehampton, NY.
Eyes on the Land, Exhibit, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT, October 3, 2015 to January 3, 2016
Eyes on the Land, PechaKucha Night, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT.
Dry Stone Art in the Landscape: Fleeting Thoughts and Works of Friction, Visiting Artist Lecture, Boise, ID, USA.
Built to Last: Dry Stone Design and Construction, NJ ASLA Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ.
Garden Inspirations Workshop & Film Screening: Stone Rising, Brattleboro, VT.
Readings from Gardening on Granite, with Gordon Hayward, Rice Mountain, Walpole, NH.
The Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program, Borderline Farm, Winhall, VT.
From Practical to Fantastical, Dry Stone Walling Workshop evening slide-talk, Turtagrø, Norway.
Working with Stone: Creating Connections in Time, Vermont Flower Show, Essex Junction, VT.
Stone and Art in Nature, ET Modern Gallery, 547 West 20th Street, New York, NY.
Authors of Dummerston Exhibit, Dummerston Historical Society Schoolhouse, Dummerston Center, VT.
TICKON Art Park, Stone Art Building in Nature: Creating a Connection with the Spirit of Place, lecture, Sukkerfabrikken, Slottsgade 76, Tranekær, Langeland, Denmark.
Why do I Make Art?, Exhibit Opening and Symposium Lecture, 2011 Reikaa Avaruudessa, Hole in the Universe, Kerava Art Museum, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.
Art and the Working Landscape, Earth Day Celebration, lecture, Green Mountain College, Poultney, VT.
Working With Stone: Creating A Connection With The Spirit Of Place, Gardens and Spirit Series, lecture, co-sponsored by Trinity Church and the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Trinity Church, Boston, MA.
Artscaping: The Design and Installation of Land-Made Sculptures, lecture, New England Grows Conference, Boston, MA.
Landscaping and Art Making: Two Sides of the Same Coin, lecture, National Green Centre, St. Louis, MO, January 9th.
Lecture and Book Reading, Dry Stone Conservancy, Lexington, KY.
Evolving as an art maker through the medium of dry stone, lecture, Still Mountain Center, Washington, CT.
LIMITS = POTENTIAL: Dry Stone as a Medium of Expression, Lee A Bryant Lecture Series, Kansas State University, Beach Art Museum, Manhattan, KS.
Panel discussion, talk, slide presentation Photography: The Key to Getting your Project Published, ALA, Chicago, IL.
Guest waller, artist in residence and presenter for “Real-Work” studies program, Harley School, Rochester, NY.
Book reading and slide presentation, Phoenix Books and Vermont Department of Agriculture, Essex, VT.
Book reading and slide presentation, Briggs Carriage House, Brandon, VT.
Book reading and slide presentation, Brown Dog Books, Hinesburg, VT.
An Introduction to Building Dry Stone Walls, lecture, Traditional Building Conference, Boston, MA.
Art and the Working Landscape: Shaping our Environment Today, Rockingham Free Library, Bellows Falls, VT.
Interview, “Word of Mouth”, host Virginia Prescott, NHPR, Concord, NH.
Book reading and slide presentation, River Run Books, Portsmouth, NH.
Book reading and slide presentation, Longfellow Books, Portland, ME.
Lecture and book reading, Hardy Plant Club and Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, VT.
Book reading and slide presentation, Northshire Bookstore, Manchester, VT.
Lecture, Monadnock Writers’ Group, Peterborough, NH.
Book reading and slide presentation, Village Square Books, Bellows Falls, VT.
Book reading and slide presentation, Toadstool Books, Keene, NH.
Book reading, Vermont Bookshop, Middlebury, VT.
Book reading, slide presentation and screening of “Stone Rising”, Phoenix Books, Essex, VT.
Book reading, Yankee Bookshop, Woodstock, VT.
Book signing, Verde, Brattleboro, VT.
Book reading, Book Cellar, Brattleboro, VT.
Lecture, the 8th Annual Gathering of the Stone Foundation, Barre Granite Museum, Barre, VT.
Talk and tour, Maze of Walls, sculpture installation, benefit Town Hall Theatre and GRAI, Cornwall, VT.
Stone Sculpture Tour, benefit Great River Arts Institute, various installation sites, Southern Vermont.
Featured Speaker, “The Creative Process”, Springfield School District Opening Day, Springfield, VT.
Lecture, Stone Seminar, Koli, Finland
Stone Sculpture Tour, Benefit Great River Arts, various installation sites, Southern Vermont.
James Otis Follett, master arch stone bridge builder, lecture, Hooker-Dunham Theater, Brattleboro, VT.
Stone Sculpture Tour, benefit, Great River Arts Institute, various installation sites, Southern Vermont.
Fermentation, Workshop and Seminar in Environmental Art, lecture, University of Art and Design. Helsinki, Finland.
Walling Workshop, Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center. Brattleboro, Vermont
Spirit & Vision, In the Future of an Imagined Past, guided tours of contemporary and traditional dry stone structures.; lecture: “Stone Unknown”, Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Brattleboro, VT.
Norwegian Dry Arch Bridges and Irish Lace Walls, lecture, Stone Foundation Symposium, Santa Fe, NM.
Lecture, Management Clinic, Dry Stone Built Landscape Features, American Nursery and Landscape Association, Louisville, KY.
Facing the Elements, Landscape Design Symposium, lecture, School of the Chicago Botanic Garden. Chicago, IL.
Guest lecture, Dry Stone Conservancy, Lexington, KY.
Featured speaker, fall meeting of NEARA (New England Antiquities Research Association), Stratton, VT.
Dry Stone Generated Designs for the Landscape, lecture, New Hampshire Landscapers Association, U.N.H., Durham, NH.
New Forms and Uses for Dry Stone Walls in the Landscape, lecture, Educational Sessions, New England Grows Conference, Boston, MA.
Dry stone walling workshops. Re-creation of the 1796 Town Pound, 44 participants in five workshops, 2008-2009. Dummerston, Vermont.