Rock Springs

The cat is out of the bag. Until now, I’ve had to keep it confidential, but today The Scotsman and North Star News published images and copy regarding Rock Springs, the dry stone art piece I completed in July for Glenmorangie Distillery in Tain, Scotland. Constructed from locally sourced “rescue” stones, the commissioned land art is sited within the walled garden at Glenmorangie House.

Like other environmental art works I’ve done, Rock Springs is in, of and for its home place. The 32’x44’x5’ sculpture invites exploration. The interwoven coils of dry stone walls rise and fall underfoot as they’re traversed. Broad top stones elevate viewers above deep fissures separating the walls. Hand trimmed and set sandstone blocks comprise the double-faced walls, with architectural remnants repurposed for top stones.

Last year, a photograph by Peter Mauss of a environmental art piece I made for TICKON Art Park in Denmark was chosen by Glenmorangie to partner with their Signet whisky expression in an advertising campaign. That collaboration led to proposals for an outdoor art work for Glenmorangie. A clay maquette, and a subsequent digital rendering by Roger Wilkie, clinched the deal. Work on Rock Springs began this past May.

Two months of on-site labor brought the project to fruition. Finding, securing and transporting stone from three locations in the area was the most unpredictable part of the project. While I did all of the building myself, I had expert help in preparing the foundation from Dave Munroe. Jared Flynn put in a long week sorting and prepping the stone stockpiles outside the garden walls. Elin scoured the surrounding towns and villages for supplies, tools and rental equipment.

I’ve kept Rock Springs under my hat for the past three months. Now that Glenmorangie has publicly introduced it to the world at large I’m at liberty to share it’s story. I’m pleased and proud to do so.